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作者:Tcmer  文章来源:www.tcmer.com  点击数  更新时间:2008-11-19 11:55:30  文章录入:huangyf81  责任编辑:huangyf81

Latin Plant Name:Artemesia Capillaris、Herba Artemisiae Scopariae

Pinyin Mandarin Name:Yin Chen Hao

Common English Name:Capillaris

Part of Plant Used:Young shoots and leaves


Taste:Bitter, acrid

Meridians Entered:Spleen, Stomach, Liver, Gallbladder

Common Usages:

Formulas use this herb most often for its effect in treating any kind of jaundice with accompanying eye and skin discoloration and dark urine (TCM: damp heat; Liver imbalance); and to treat pain on the side and under ribs with accompanying nausea and appetite loss (TCM: Liver or Gallbladder imbalance).

Traditional Usages and Functions:Clears damp heat from the Liver and Gallbladder and relieves jaundice; clears heat and relieves exterior conditions.

Common Formulas Used In:Rhubarb and Scutellaria、Processing Required

Remarks:In cases of jaundice, see a practitioner immediately. This herb is combined with different types of herbs for different types of jaundice.

Cautions in Use:None


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