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作者:TCMER  文章来源:www.tcmer.com  点击数  更新时间:2008-12-1 16:29:33  文章录入:huangyf81  责任编辑:huangyf81

Latin Plant Name :Ophiopogonis ]aponici

Pinyin Mandarin Name:Mai Men Dong

Common English Name:Ophiopogon

Part of Plant Used:Root

Nature:Slightly cold

Taste:Sweet, slightly bitter

Meridians Entered:Lungs, Stomach, Heart

Common Usages:

This herb is used in formulas to treat constipation, thick sputum-sometimes tinged with blood, scanty urine, thirst, dry throat, mouth sores, symptoms of diabetic imbalance, restlessness, and chronic bronchitis (TCM: interior dryness and Yin deficiency, especially in Lungs, Heart, and Intestines).


Traditional Usages and Functions:

Nourishes Yin and clears heat; moistens Lungs and stops coughing; moistens Intestines.

Common Formulas Used In:

Eight Immortal Long Life Pill; Ginseng and Zizyphus

Processing Required:




Cautions in Use:

Do not use where there is cold-deficient diarrhea with a sensation of coldness in the abdomen, or where there are symptoms of congested fluids such as bloating and indigestion with a feeling of fullness.


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