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Forsythia Fruit(连翘)
作者:TCMER  文章来源:www.tcmer.com  点击数  更新时间:2008-12-9 8:47:08  文章录入:huangyf81  责任编辑:huangyf81

Latin Plant Name: Forsythia Suspensae

Pinyin Mandarin Name:Lian Qiao

Common English Name:Forsythia

Part of Plant Used:Fruit


Taste:Bitter, slightly acrid

Meridians Entered:Lungs, Heart, Liver, Gallbladder


Common Usages:

This herb is used in formulas to treat symptoms of common cold where there is high fever, hot skin, lymphatic swelling (nodules), and/or urinary-tract infection (TCM: excess wind/hot/damp conditions).

Traditional Usages and Functions:

Clears heat and poison and dissipates nodules; expels externally contracted wind heat.

Common Formulas Used In:

Lonicera and Forsythia; Xanthium and Magnolia.

Processing Required:-


Cautions in Use:

Do not use this herb where there is deficient Spleen and Stomach diarrhea, or where there is fever with deficient Qi. Do not use where there are carbuncles that have already ulcerated, or if there are cold-type ulcers.


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