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作者:佚名  文章来源:中医人收集整理  点击数  更新时间:2012-7-14 1:06:17  文章录入:huangyf81  责任编辑:huangyf81

瘢痕灸 scarring moxibustion
 减轻疼痛 alleviating pain
艾炷灸 moxibustion with moxa cone
 功法训练 exercise for practicing tuina
灯火灸 lamp moxibustion
 放松肌肉 relaxing muscles
针灸 warm needling method
 解除肌肉紧张 relieving muscular tension
一指禅推法 pushing manipulation with one finger
 活动受限 confined activity
点按法 point-pressing manipulation
 关节脱位 dislocation of joint
鱼际揉法 kneading manipulation with the large thenar
 腰椎间盘突出 protrusion of lumbar vertebral disc
交替搓揉 alternative rubbing and kneading
 旋转复位 rotating reduction
腰肌劳损 injury of lumbar muscles
 软组织损伤 injury of soft tissues
解除痉挛 relieving spasm
 关节粘连僵硬 adhesion and stiffness of joint
外感发热 exogenous fever
 滑利关节 lubricating joint
脉象浮紧 floating and tense pulse
 手法补泻 reinforcing and reducing manipulations
寒邪束表 pathogenic cold hampering the exterior
 拇指平推法 horizontal pushing with the thumb
邪热入里 interior invasion of pathogenic heat
 午后潮热 afternoon tidal fever
四肢厥冷 cold limbs
 热扰神明 heat disturbing mind
阳气不振 inactivation of yang-qi
 形体消瘦 emaciation
少气懒言 lack of qi and no desire to speak
 祛痰止咳药 herbs for eliminating phlegm and stopping cough

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