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作者:tcmer.co…  文章来源:中医人收集整理  点击数  更新时间:2011-2-26 12:09:32  文章录入:huangyf81  责任编辑:huangyf81

:: 中脏腑 Wind Stroke Attacking the Zang-Fu Organs ::



Obstructive Type

Main Manifestations: Falling down with loss of consciousness, tightly clinched hands, and clinched jaws, flushed face, coarse breathing, stridor, retention of urine, constipation, red tongue with thick yellow or dark grey coating, sting-taut, rolling and forceful pulse.



Treatment: Resuscitation, quenching the wind and fire, clearing up phlegm by needling mainly on the Governor Vessel, the Liver Meridian plus the twelve Jing-well points Either reducing method or pricking to cause little bleeding, is applied,

处方:水沟 十二井穴 劳宫 丰隆 百会 太冲 涌泉


Prescription: Shuigou(GV 26), twelve Jing-well points on both hands (LU11, HT9, PC9, LI1, TE1, SI1), Laogong (PC8), Fenglong (ST 40), Baihui (GV 20), Taichong (LR 3), and Yongquan(KI 1).



Collapsing Type

Main Manifestations: Sudden falling down with loss of consciousness, closed eyes, opening mouth, weak nasal breathing, incontinence of urine and stools, flaccid tongue, cold limbs, flushed face, fainting pulse or rootless superficial pulse.


Treatment: The points of Governor Vessel are mainly selected while heavy moxibustion is applied to these points to restore Yang from collapse.医学全.在线.网.站.提供

处方:神阙 关元 气海 百会


Prescription: Shenque (CV8), GuanYuan(CV4), Qihai(CV6) and Baihui(GV20)

:: 中经络 Wind Stroke of Meridians and Collaterals Type ::




Main Manifestations

Hemiplegia, numbness of skin and limbs, wry mouth and eyes, stiff tongue with poor speech. It may also be accompanied by headache, dizziness, twitching of muscles, red eyes and flushed face, thirst, dryness of the throat, irritability and wiry or slippery slow pulse.






Select mainly the points of Large Intestine, Stomach, Triple Energizer, Gallbladder, Small Intestine and Bladder Meridians. Needling with even reinforcing and reducing method, in order to regulate Qi and blood, remove obstruction from the meridians and collaterals, reduce the wind and keep Yin and Yang in balance.



上肢:肩髁 曲池 手三里 支沟 合谷 后溪
下肢:肾俞 环跳 阳陵泉 足三里 太冲
头面:百会 风池 地仓 颊车 哑门 廉泉


Upper limbs: Jianyu(LI 15), Quchi(LI 11), Shousanli(LI 10), Zhigou(TE 6), Hegu(LI 4) and Houxi(SI 3)
Lower limbs: Shenshu(BL 23), Huantiao(GB 30), Yanglingquan(GB 34), Zusanli (ST 36) and Taichong(LR 3)
Head and facial region: Baihui(GV 20), Fenchi(GB20), Dicang(ST 4), Jiache(ST6), Yamen(GV15) and Lianquan(CV 23)

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