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作者:tcmer.co…  文章来源:中医人收集整理  点击数  更新时间:2011-3-26 11:42:40  文章录入:huangyf81  责任编辑:huangyf81

腧  穴


井穴 Jing-Well acupoint
荧穴 Ying-Spring acupoint
输穴 Shu-Stream acupoint
经穴 Jing-River acupoint
合穴 He-Sea acupoint
原穴 the Yuan-Source acupoint
络穴 the Luo-Connecting acupoint
郗穴 the Xi-Cleft acupoint
奇穴 the Extra acuoint
八脉交会穴 the Eight Confluent acupoint
交会穴 the Crossing acupoint
八会穴 the Eight Influential acupoint
下合穴 the Lower He Sea acupoint
募穴 Front-mu acupoint
背腧穴 Back-shu acupoint

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