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作者:佚名  文章来源:中医人收集整理  点击数  更新时间:2012-7-13 21:03:50  文章录入:huangyf81  责任编辑:huangyf81

阳胜则热 predominance of yang generating heat
 阳中求阴 obtaining yang from yin
寒极生热 extreme cold generating heat
 绝对偏盛 absolute predominance
热极生寒 extreme heat generating cold
 阳虚则寒 yang deficiency leading to cold
阳损及阴 impairment of yang involving yin
 阴阳俱损 simultaneous consumption of yin and yang
阴液不足 insufficiency of yin-fluid
 阴阳两虚 simultaneous deficiency of both yin and yang
病机总纲 general principle of pathogenesis
 阳虚发热 fever due to yang deficiency
病机 pathomechanism, pathological mechanism
 阴阳自和 natural harmony between yin and yang
阴阳胜复 alternative predominance of yin and yang
 木乘土 the wood over-restrains the earth
虚寒证 deficiency-cold syndrome
 木火刑金 wood-fire impairs the metal
扶阳退阴 strengthening yang to reduce yin
 金水相生 generation between the metal and water
祛风散寒 expelling/eliminating wind to dispersing cold
 生克制化 interrelationship between generation and restriction
消导积滞 promoting digestion and removing food retention
 制则生化 restriction ensuring generation
潜阳熄风 suppressing yang to quench wind
 母病及子 disease of the mother-organ affecting the child-organ
五行学说 theory of five elements
 传变 transmission of disease, progress of disease
运动变化 motion and variation
 子病犯母 disease of the child-organ affecting the mother-organ
正邪相争 struggle/combat between healthy qi and pathogenic factors
 肝肾精血不足 insufficiency of liver and kidney essence and blood
相生相克 mutual generation and restriction
 肝阳上亢 hyperactivity of liver yang
生我,我生 to be generated and to generate
 心肝血虚 asthenia / deficiency of heart and liver blood
克我,我克 to be restricted and to restrict
 心肝火旺 exuberance of heart and liver fire 
生中有制 restriction within generation
 心火亢盛 hyperactivity/exuberance of heart fire
克中有生 generation within restriction
 滋肾养肝 nourishing the kidney and liver
木曰曲直 wood is characterized by growing freely and peripherally
 方位配五行 correspondence of the directions to the five elements
火曰炎上 fire is characterized by flaming up
 温肾健脾 warming the kidney and strengthening the spleen
土爰稼穑 earth is characterized by cultivation and reaping
 肾阳式微 declination of kidney yang
金曰从革 metal is characterized by change
 脾阳不振 inactivation of spleen yang
病缓起 gradual onset of disease
 脾胃虚弱 hypofunction/weakness of the spleen and stomach
肝阴不足 insufficiency of liver yin
 地道不通 menopause
相乘相侮 over-restriction and reverse restriction
 平肝和胃 soothing the liver and harmonizing the stomach
水湿停聚 retention of water-dampness
 水火不济 discordance between water and fire
肾阴不足 insufficiency of kidney yin
 藏象学说 theory of visceral manifestations
心肾不交 disharmony between the heart and kidney
 奇恒之腑 extraordinary fu-organs
宣通水道 dredging water passage
 水谷精微 cereal nutrients, essence of water and food
通调水道 dredging and regulating water passage
 传化水谷 transmission and transformation of food
行气利水 activating qi to excrete water
 贮藏精气 storage of essence


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