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作者:佚名  文章来源:中医人收集整理  点击数  更新时间:2012-7-14 1:05:14  文章录入:huangyf81  责任编辑:huangyf81

联络脏腑肢节 connecting with viscera, limbs and joints
 经别 divergent meridians
循行路线 running route
 经气 meridian qi
十二正经 twelve regular meridians
 十二皮部 twelve skin areas, twelve skin regions/divisions
经隧阻滞 blockage of meridians
 十二经筋 twelve meridian tendons
经穴 meridian acupoints, Jing-River acupoint
 饮食劳倦 improper diet and overstrain
经络辨证 syndrome differentiation according to meridians
 风寒感冒 common cold due to wind-cold
经络感传 meridian conduction, channel transmission
 湿热泄泻diarrhea due to damp-heat
经络现象 meridian phenomena
 内生五邪 five endogenous pathogenic factors
经络阻滞 blockage of meridians
 风邪外袭 pathogenic wind attacking the superficies
舒筋活络 relaxing tendons and activating collaterals
 游走性关节疼痛 migratory arthralgias
刺血疗法 blood-pricking therapy
 阳气衰退 decline of yang-qi
外感六淫 attacked by six climate pathogenic factors
 六淫 six climatic evils
感受寒邪 attacked by pathogenic cold
 经闭发肿 amenorrhea with edema
虚实夹杂 deficiency complicated with excess, asthenia complicated with sthenia
 邪正盛衰 predominance or decline of pathogenic factors and healthy qi
寒性凝滞 cold tending to stagnate by nature
 病症的虚实变化 asthenia and sthenia changes of disease
腠理闭塞 blockage of muscular interstices
 机体的抗病能力 body resistance
经脉拘急收引 contraction of tendons
 五心烦热 feverish sensation over the five centers
湿邪困脾 pathogenic dampness encumbering the spleen
 五心 five centers (palms, soles and chest)
疾病的发生、发展与变化 occurrence, development and changes of disease
 生津安神 promoting the production of body fluid and tranquilizing the mind
体质强弱 conditions of constitution
 蓄血发黄 jaundice due to blood accumulation
气血功能紊乱 dysfunction of qi and blood
 脾阳不振 inactivation of spleen yang
阴阳偏盛大 relative predominance of yin and yang
 阴虚生内热 yin deficiency generating interior heat
五志过极 extreme changes of emotions
 热极生风 extreme heat producing wind
精气夺则虚 depletion of essence causing deficiency
 七情内伤 internal injury due to emotional disorder
阴阳互损 mutual consumption of yin and yang
 饮食不节 improper diet
真热假寒 true heat and false cold
 暴饮暴食 craputence


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