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    Latin Plant Name:Fritillariae Cirrhosae

    Pinyin Mandarin Name:Chuan Bei Mu

    Common English Name:Fritillaria

    Part of Plant Used:Bulb


    Taste:Sweet, bitter

    Meridians Entered:Lungs, Heart

    Common Usages:

    This herb is used in. formulas that treat most any type of cough (TCM: except coughs associated with deficient Spleen), and various types- of nodular formations (TCM: phlegm-fire hardening); also used to treat chronic bronchitis, tuberculosis, and chronic cough with sparse or hardened phlegm.

    Traditional Usages and Functions:Clears heat, transforms phlegm, and stops coughing; clears heat and dissipates nodules.

    Common Formulas Used In:Apricot Seed and Fritillaria; Fritillaria Extract Tablet.

    Processing Required:-


    Cautions in Use:Do not use where there is a deficient cold-phlegm pattern in the Spleen or Stomach.

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