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  • 文章导读:

     Terms Commonly Used in TCM
    中国医药学 Traditional Chinese Medicine
     治未病 prevention of disease
    中医基础理论 Basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine
     脏腑 zang-organs and fu-organs, viscera
    临床经验 clinical experience
     功能活动 functional activities
    辨证论治 treatment based on syndrome differentiation
     形神统一 unity of the body and spirit
    本草 materia medica, herbs
     阴阳失调 imbalance of yin and yang
    中药 Chinese materia medica, Chinese medicinal herbs
     条达舒畅 free development
    四气五味 four properties and five tastes
     延年益寿 prolonging life, promising longevity
    针灸 acupuncture and moxibustion, acumox
     养生防病 cultivating health to prevent disease
    各家学说 theories of different schools
     正气 healthy qi, vital qi
    汗法 diaphoresis, sweating therapy
     病邪 pathogenic factor
    下法 purgative therapy, purgation
     整体观念 concept of holism
    吐法 emetic therapy, vomiting therapy
     疾病的本质与现象 nature and manifestations of disease
    补土派 school of invigorating the earth
     阴阳的相对平衡 relative balance between yin and yang
    病因学说 etiology
     疾病的发生与发展 occurrence and development of disease
    养生 health-cultivation,
     同病异治 treating the same disease with different therapies
    医疗实践 medical practice
     异病同治 treating different diseases with the same therapy


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