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Latin Plant Name :Ziziphi Spinosae or Semen Ziziphi Spinosae
Pinyin Mandarin Name:Suan Zao Ren
Common English Name:Sour Date Seed
Part of Plant Used:Seed
Taste:Sweet, sour
Meridians Entered:Heart, Spleen, Gallbladder
Common Usages:
This herb is used in formulas to treat irritability, insomnia,palpitations, cold sweats, night sweats, spontaneous sweats, forgetfulness, amnesia, fright, and general weakness-especially due to longterm stress.
Traditional Usages and Functions:
Nourishes Heart and Liver and calms Spirit; prevents abnormal sweating. Ziziphi seed is a nourishing sedative that supports the nervous system and reduces leakages that might weaken it.
Common Formulas Used In:
Cerebral Tonic Pills; Ginseng and Longan; Ginseng and Zizyphus.Cerebral Tonic Pills; Ginseng and Longan; Ginseng and Zizyphus.
Processing Required:-
Cautions in Use:Use with caution where there is severe diarrhea or excess heat.