针灸处方:远部取穴,医学英语,医学英语词汇词典翻译,在线翻译,:: 远部取穴 Selection of Distant Points ::     是指在离病位较远的部位取穴,通常以四肢肘膝以下的穴位为…,Selection of Distant Points。中医人www.tcmer.com是以介绍健康知识为主,以推广中国传统医药为特色,包含医药卫生考试,培训的综合性医药门户网站。本文题目为Selection of Distant Points,主要介绍“针灸治疗针灸处方远部取穴,医学英语,医学英语词汇词典翻译,在线翻译”">
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Selection of Distant Points

  • 文章导读:针灸治疗针灸处方:远部取穴,医学英语,医学英语词汇词典翻译,在线翻译,:: 远部取穴 Selection of Distant Points ::     是指在离病位较远的部位取穴,通常以四肢肘膝以下的穴位为…

    :: 远部取穴 Selection of Distant Points ::   


     Slelection of distant points refers to selecting points located far from the diseased area. Generally, these points are located below the elbows and knees. For instance, Zusanli(ST36) is selected for epigastric and abdominal disorders.Weizhong(BL40) is selected for the disorders of back and lumbar region. Hegu(LI.4) is selected for facial disorders, and Neiguan(PC6) is selected for hypocondriac diseases. In clinical practice, selection of nearby points can be combined with distant points to strengthen the therapeutic effect.

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