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  • 文章导读:中医英语针灸英语学习:足少阳胆经,足少阳胆经循行图,医学英语,医学英语词汇词典翻译,在线翻译,《灵枢·经脉》:胆足少阳之脉,起于目锐眦,上抵头角,下耳后,循颈,行手少阳之前,至肩上,却交出手少阳…



    The Chapter "Discussion on the Meridians" in Miraculous Pivot says: The Gallbladder Meridian starts from the outer canthus, ascends to the corner of the forehead, then curves downward to the retroauricual region and rounds along the side of the neck in front of the Triple Energizer Meridian to the shoulder, then turns back, transverses and passes behind the Triple Energizer Meridian, down to the supraclavicular fossa.



    The branch arises from the rectroauricular region and enters into the ear. It comes out and passes the preauricular region to the posterior aspect of the outer canthus.



    The branch arising from the outer canthus runs downward to Daying(ST5) and meets the Triple Energizer Meridian in the infraorbital region, then passes through Jiache(TE6) , descends to the neck and enters the supraclavicular fossa, then further descends into the chest, passes through the diaphragm to connect with the liver and enters its pertaining organ, the gallbladder. Then it runs inside the hypochondriac region, comes out from the lateral side of the lower abdomen, from there, runs superficially along the region of the pubic hair and goes transversely into the hip region.



    The branch from the supraclavicular fossa runs downward to the axilla, along the lateral side of the chest and through the floating rib to the hip region. Then it descends along the lateral aspect of the thigh to the lateral side of the knee and goes further downward along the anterior aspect of the fibula, reaches the anterior aspect of the external malleolus. It then follows the dorsum of the foot to the lateral side of the tip of the 4th toe. 医学全.在线www.med126.com




    The branch from the dorsum of the foot runs between the first and second metatarsal bone to the distal portion of the great toe and passes through the nail and terminates at its hairy region,

    Gallbladder Meridian
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