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  • 文章导读:针灸治疗:针灸立法,医学英语,医学英语词汇词典翻译,在线翻译, 针灸立法   Principles of Acupuncture and Moxibustion 针灸的立法包括两个内容,一是依据病位,确定选取…

    Principles of Acupuncture and Moxibustion


         There are two methods to establish principles. One is to select points according to the location of disease, the other is to work out treatment method according to the nature of disease. That is "strengthening Deficiency" refers to the deficiency syndrome that should be treated with notification and support of the Primordial Qi in acupuncture. "The excess should be relieved" refers to treating excess syndrome by dispelling the pathogenic factors, "Wan Chem Zed Chu Zhi"means treating continuous sweating, prostration of Yang exhaustion, prolapse of uterus and rectum by moxibustion to invigorate the spleen function and send vital energy and nutrients upward for prolapse of rectum and uterus. "If symptom appears neither excessive nor deficient, the mothod of even reinforcing and reducing can be usde"refers when the symptoms of deficiency syndrome and the excess syndrome are not obvious, the method of even reinforcing and reducing can be used on selected points of the affected meridian.

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