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    气机郁滞不畅 stagnation of qi activity
     神昏谵语 coma and delirium
    津液代谢失常 disorder of fluid metabolism
     四诊合参 combined use of the four diagnostic methods
    寒热往来 alternate attacks of chill and fever
     精神活动 mental activities
    津伤化燥 consumption of fluid transforming into dryness
     面部表情 facial expressions
    风火胁痛 hypochondriac pain due to wind-fire
     精充气足 sufficient essence and abundant qi
    口眼歪斜 wry mouth with distorted eyes, facial distortion
     预后良好 favorable prognosis
    湿浊内生 endogenous turbid dampness
     表情淡漠 apathetic facial expressions
    虚火上炎 flaming of asthenia-fire
     精神不振 dispiritedness
    邪气内陷 internal invasion of pathogenic factors
     神志不清 unconsciousness
    大肠热结 retention of heat in the large intestine
     轻宣润燥 dispersing lung qi and moistening dryness
    心脉瘀阻 blood stasis in the heart vessels
     四肢抽搐 convulsion of the limbs
    镜面舌 mirror-like tongue
     脏腑辨证 syndrome differentiation of viscera
    饥不欲食 hunger without desire for food
     病位与病性 location and nature of disease
    脉有胃气 pulse with stomach qi
     表里同病 disease involving both the exterior and interior
    清里泄热 clearing away heat in the interior
     风热眩晕 vertigo due to wind-heat
    寒证化热 cold syndrome transforming into heat syndrome
     寒热错杂 simultaneous occurrence of cold and heat
    舌淡苔白而润滑 light-colored tongue with white and slippery coating
     表邪入里 invasion of the exterior pathogenic factors into the interior
    祛风解痉 expelling wind to relieve convulsion
     外感胃脘痛 stomachache due to exogenous pathogenic factors
    恶寒与恶热 aversion to cold and aversion to heat
     潮热盗汗 tidal fever and night sweating
    口干唇裂 dry mouth with cracked lips
     高热谵妄 high fever with delirium
    脉数无力 rapid and weak pulse
     和血止痛 regulating blood to alleviate pain
    寒邪郁而化热 stagnation of pathogenic cold changing into heat
     寒因寒用 treating pseudo-cold syndrome with herbs of cold nature
    未病先防 preventing measures taken before the occurrence of disease
     热因热用 treating pseudo-heat syndrome with herbs of heat nature
    补气健脾 invigorating qi and strengthening the spleen
     塞因塞用 treating obstructive syndrome with tonifying therapy
    补血养心 enriching blood to nourish the heart
     发汗解表 relieving exterior syndrome by diaphoresis
    水气凌心 water attacking the heart
     风热乳蛾 tonsillitis due to wind-heat
    心悸多梦 palpitation and dreaminess
     痰饮咳嗽 cough due to fluid retention
    血为气母 the blood serving as the mother of qi


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