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     实热蕴结 accumulation of sthenia-heat
    调摄精神 regulating mental states
     舒肝和胃 soothing the liver and harmonizing the stomach
    血脉流畅 smooth circulation of blood
     清热泻火 clearing away heat and reducing fire
    关节通利 smooth movement of joints
     疏风泄热 dispelling wind and reducing heat
    气机调畅 free activity of qi
     行气消瘀 activating qi to resolve stagnation
    益寿延年 promoting longevity
     养血润肠 nourishing the blood and moistening the intestine
    治病求本 treatment of disease must concentrate on the principle cause of disease
     因时、因地、因人制宜 applying proper therapeutic measure in line with season, local conditions and individuality
    急则治其标 relieving the secondary symptoms first in treating acute disease
     缓则治其本 relieving the primary symptoms in treating chronic disease
    通腑泄热 purging fu-organs to eliminate heat
     燥湿化痰 drying dampness and resolving phlegm
    标本兼治 treatment focusing on relieving both the secondary and primary symptoms
     正虚邪实 asthenia of healthy qi and sthenia of pathogenic factors
    痰湿壅肺 accumulation of phlegm-dampness in the lung
     血枯经闭 amenorrhea due to blood exhaustion
    祛虫消积 removing parasites to eliminate accumulation

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