针灸处方:补母泻子法,医学英语,医学英语词汇词典翻译,在线翻译,:: 补母泻子法 Selection of Points by Reinforcing the Mother and Reducing the Son ::         此法是根…,Selection of Points by Reinforcing the Mother and Reducing the Son。中医人www.tcmer.com是以介绍健康知识为主,以推广中国传统医药为特色,包含医药卫生考试,培训的综合性医药门户网站。本文题目为Selection of Points by Reinforcing the Mother and Reducing the Son,主要介绍“针灸治疗方法针灸处方补母泻子法,医学英语,医学英语词汇词典翻译,在线翻译”">
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Selection of Points by Reinforcing the Mother and Reducing the Son

  • 文章导读:针灸治疗方法针灸处方:补母泻子法,医学英语,医学英语词汇词典翻译,在线翻译,:: 补母泻子法 Selection of Points by Reinforcing the Mother and Reducing the Son ::         此法是根…

    :: 补母泻子法 Selection of Points by Reinforcing the Mother and Reducing the Son ::     
     It is based on the theory of reinforcing the mother for deficiency syndrome and reducing the son for excess syndrome of Classic on Medical Problems. It combines the therapeutic properties of the Five Shu Points with Five Elements Theory: wood, fire, earth, metal and water, the Five Shun Points can be selected, according to the interpromotion, and counteraction relations of the Five Elements. For instance, Lung relates to metal, when the excess symptom of Lung Meridian appears, select the He-sea point of Lung Meridian, Chize (LU5) which attributes to water, because metal generates water, water is the son of metal, selecting Chize(LU5) is so-called "Reduce the son for excess syndrome" When deficiency syndrome of the Lung Meridian appears, select Shu-Stream point of the Lung Meridian, Taiyuan(LU9) which attributes the earth, because earth generates metal, earth is the mother of metal, selecting Taiyuan(LU9) is so-called "Reinforce the mother for deficiency syndrome." 

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