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  • 文章导读:2019年12月我国武汉爆发的新冠肺 炎,具有较强的传染性和流行性,属于中医学“瘟疫”范畴,严重威胁人类的生命健康。面对这一突发的公共卫生事件,本文基于《瘟疫论》理论,从临床实际出发,对新冠肺 炎的发病特点、传变以及辨证论治进行了解析。根据此次疫情的特点,新冠肺 炎的病因为感受“戾气”,病机为疫毒遏湿,其传变遵循《瘟疫论》“表里九传”规律,可分为顺传与逆传,病程具有一定的规律性与阶段性。初期邪伏膜原、疫毒遏湿,应开达膜原、祛湿化浊、宣透疏利;中期病邪可顺传于表,此时应当使用辛凉解表之剂,通过战汗透邪,使邪随汗出,若湿毒入里化热,致肺络受损,腑气不通,里实热结,当通腑泻热,攻下逐邪,给邪以出路;若失治、误治、病邪太过,可致病邪内陷心包,造成神昏谵语、躁扰不宁、四肢厥逆、脉微欲绝等内闭外脱的危重表现,治疗上注意攻补兼施,开闭固脱;恢复期,由于余邪未尽,且热病易伤阴耗气,治疗上不仅要预防余邪反复,更要滋阴补血,恢复正气。在疾病治疗过程中,吴又可提出“祛邪为第一要义、忌妄汗下法、顾护脾胃”三大法则。《瘟疫论》理论对“瘟疫”的病因病机、传变和辨证施治有着系统的认识,为后代战胜历次瘟疫提供了宝贵经验,这对于此次新冠肺 炎的防治同样具有重要的意义。本文《基于《瘟疫论》理论探讨新冠肺 炎的辨证施治方法》由北京中医药大学中医学院研究人员张萌萌、吴琪、张新雪、赵宗江发表于《中国实验方剂学杂志 》,由于版权原因,中医人网仅转载部分以飨读者。

    The outbreak of corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Wuhan, China, in December 2019, is highly contagious and epidemic, and belongs to the category of "plague" in traditional Chinese medicine, which seriously threatens human life and health. In the face of this sudden public health event, based on the theory of "Wenyilun", this paper analyzes the onset characteristics, transmission, and syndrome differentiation-based treatment of COVID-19 in clinical practice. According to the characteristics of this epidemic, the pathogeny of COVID-19 is "epidemic pathogenic factors", and the pathogenesis is that the epidemic suppresses the dampness. Its transmission follows the regularity of "nine transmissions between exterior and interior" recorded in Wenyilun, which can be divided into sequential transmission and reverse transmission. The course of the disease has certain regularity and stages. In the early stage, the pathogen hides in the pleurodiaphragmatic interspace, and the epidemic suppresses the dampness; the treatment shall reach the pleurodiaphragmatic interspace, clear the dampness and turbidness, diffuse the lungs and dredging the lung meridian. In the middle stage, the pathogen can be transmitted to the exterior; the treatment shall be pungent in flavor and cool in property and could relieve the exterior syndrome, so as to remove the pathogen by shivering and sweating. If the dampness toxin enters the interior and be transmitted into the heat, and caused damage to the lung meridian, obstruction of Qi in the lungs, interior excess and heat accumulation, the treatment shall dredge bowel and purge heat, and expel the pathogen out. Any delay in treatment, mistreatment or excessive pathogen can lead to pathogenic invasion into the pericardium, and cause delirium, dysphoria, reversal cold of limbs, barely palpable pulse and other critical manifestations of internal blocking causing external depletion. The treatment shall focus on both attack and supplement, open blocking and relieve depletion. In the recovery period, due to the residual pathogen and the Yin and Qi impairment caused by fever, the treatment shall prevent the recurrence of the residual pathogen, nourish Yin and blood, and restore the vital energy. During the treatment, WU You-ke put forward three principles of "removing the pathogen as the priority, and then avoiding false sweating, and caring for the spleen and stomach". The theory of Wenyilun has a systematic understanding of the pathogeny, pathogenesis, and syndrome differentiation-based treatment of "the epidemic", and provides valuable experience for fight against plagues in later generations, which is also of great significance for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19.


    2 基于《瘟疫论》理论对新冠肺炎的认识
    2.1 发病
    2.1.1 病因

    2.1.2 病机

    2.1.3 病位


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