
时间:2009-7-6 上午 10:47:37   文章来源:中医人 等    作者:佚名  







医护人员受针头刺伤颇为常见。美国的440万医务人员中,受针头或其他锐器刺伤的估计每年约80万人,其中受HIV污染器具刺伤者约1600人,HBV和HCV污染刺伤的更多。36,37 在巴基斯坦进行的免疫接种现场试验中,医务人员受针头刺伤的发生率约为2.1/1000。38 污染针头或锐器刺伤引起的感染率:HIV的一般约0.3%;39 HBV取决于宿主的免疫状态,无免疫力者可高达30%;7,40 HCV为1.2-10%左右。41 Lanphear等报告,50名受到HCV血污染针头刺伤的医务人员,抗体阳转率为6%。42 意大利一所医院的2347名医务人员,在1年的观察期间,108人遭针头刺伤,其中3人发生急性丙型肝炎,2名外科医生数月后发展成慢性活动性肝炎。43



WHO建议,废弃的注射器具必须放入特制的纸箱内,送焚化炉销毁。7 在经济发达地区已常规采用这种处置方式,但大多数发展中国家很难办到。在我国,一次性注射器被再次利用的现象相当普遍,因此用过后应作毁损处理。这是美国防止非法滥用注射所采取的措施之一。

三、 建立供应注射器具、消毒和处理设备的支持系统


四、 加强领导和监督




WHO 和UNICEF(1994)的调查表明:发展中国家的儿童每年免疫接种超过5亿次,其中不安全注射在30%以上。“现场的注射器具供应不足,消毒措施马虎是严重的问题;令人不安的是这种情况竟然普遍地被卫生管理部门所容忍。免疫接种存在危险是不能接受的。”7,8 我国农村幅员辽阔、人口众多,现场条件简陋,注射器具经常不足,接种人员文化技术较低,对象又主要是年幼儿童,因此保证接种安全显得特别重要而又艰巨。

1986年以来,WHO 与 UNICEF一再强调安全注射的全球政策,要求每次免疫接种必须使用灭菌的注射器具。1994年在科特迪瓦的亚穆苏克罗(Yamoussoukro)举行免疫接种工作会议,发表安全注射宣言。51个国家的与会者宣誓:“我们,免疫接种的管理者和工作者,决心做到每一次注射都是安全的;我们,受接种者,决心要求每一次接受的注射都是安全的。8,43 目标是在1997年底达到95%以上的免疫接种是安全的。44(在WHO 与 UNICEF签署的联合声明中目标定为2000年。8



加压注射器虽然价格较贵、携带不便,但用于免疫接种有很多优点,接种效果与有针注射相同,应急接种尤其适宜,所以被许多国家采用。近年WHO报告,将有一种价格适中的低负荷手持型加压注射器问世,可供发展中国家基层使用。7 由于可能传播血源性感染,丙酮或酒精不能灭活病毒,所以在发现喷头有血污染时需取下高压蒸汽消毒。大量观察表明,不同人群的加压注射后皮肤出血率存在差别,如巴西的亚马逊土著接种后出血率较新兵高6倍。因此,接种后传播感染的危险性,取决于人群的皮肤出血率和病毒感染率,在HBV和HIV感染率很低的地区应用比较安全。45 


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(1) 4月16日: 陕西眉县一医院护士误将消毒用的酒精当作葡萄糖液给病人静脉滴注,当家长报告病人出现口唇紫绀、抽搦和神志改变时,医护人员仍然毫无觉察。
(2) 7月20日:湖南一些地区使用劣质的一次性注射器造成很多人发生严重深部脓肿。
(3) 7月31日:陕西对西安市医疗用品市场上的一次性输液器进行抽查,35%的质量不合格。
(4) 8月 6日:福建莆田市一医院给病人滴注的液体内有絮状物,培养发现大量细菌和霉菌污染。
(5) 11月12日:湖南祁阳县一镇防保站的卫生人员“误将卡介苗同乙脑和麻疹疫苗一起接种”,导致68名幼小儿童发生严重反应,其中31人做了手术治疗。
(6) 11月13日:四川珙县一乡村医生的注射污染,造成87人感染孢子丝菌病。
(7) 11月19日:浙江富阳市:基层医疗机构滥输液严重,特别是农村卫生室。小伤小病输液成为习惯,主要是为了“抓创收”。对2镇1乡的32个村卫生室的调查发现,这些卫生室都开展静脉输液,其中2/3不具备条件。“输液不当引起医疗纠纷的事件时有发生”。
(8) 11月26日:山东平度市农村的医务人员误将卡介苗当作麻疹疫苗超量深部注射,引起数名小学生严重反应,发热、深部脓肿和溃疡。
(9) 11月26日:贵州桐梓县一镇卫生院的医生,将1支人血丙种球蛋白打开分2次注射,第2天晚上(距第1次注射30小时以上)幼儿接受剩余的一半注射后半小时,发生过敏性休克死亡。
(10) 12月18日:江西进贤县一中医主治医师从医院大量收集废弃的一次性注射器,“用水洗洗,重新包装向基层医疗单位和防疫站推销”,单出售给湖南常德市的就达7万支。常德市由于应用了废弃的一次性注射器,造成许多病人发生(非结核性分枝杆菌)深部脓肿。*此外,一火车站发现从西安发出的一次性注射器货箱中竟然“流出臭水”;北京房山县一医院在上门推销的一次性注射器中发现“带有血迹”。
(11) 12月31日:山西太原制药厂生产的氨苄青霉素含有大量热原,导致武汉一门诊部的42名输液儿童发生严重反应:高热、抽搦和休克。

后记:本文 1996年4月完成,曾被有些报纸摘要刊登,后发表于《中国农村卫生管理杂志》1997;17(3): 31-5;1997年8月修改补充。


*据《文汇报》2001年4月4日以“烂臀有治了——XXX攻克一医学世界难题”为题报道:1998年4月至1999年4月全国多个发生一批批因注射导致的非结核性分枝杆菌引起的“烂臀病”, 常德市第一人民医院外科主任XXX的“非结核性分枝杆菌感染的外科治疗”,“拿出了一套治疗该病较为成熟的方案”,“攻克一度困扰世界医学界的重大难题”,“已被国家科技部正式确定为‘2001年国家科技成果推广计划’项目之一,位居全国荣登该计划金榜的6 项临床医学成果之首”。据称“该成果是全球临床医学科学领域的一大突破。”这个报道一方面说明注射造成感染的普遍严重程度,另一方面这篇报道对“成果”的炒做似乎也太离谱,臀部注射感染的 “外科治疗”,很难说算什么“攻克医学世界难题”。XXX文尚武

2003年8月30日中央电视台《今日说法》的案例:江苏省东海县青湖镇青年妇女时翠梅患感冒,步行去当地卫生院就诊,医生给予糖水内加丁胺卡那霉素输液,引起病人突然死亡。尸检诊断为过敏性休克。东海县法院判决卫生院赔偿家属2. 9万元。卫生院乃至该县医务人员都对此判决表示不满,认为糖水内加丁胺卡那霉素输液是广泛应用的治疗感冒措施,丁胺卡那霉素引起过敏性休克的发生率极低,临床上并不要求进行过敏试验,患者死亡属不可预料的事件。卫生院上诉失败。

作者通讯地址: 合肥 230032 安徽医科大学 25 信箱 临床流行病学研究室

Abuse of injections has quickly spread from rural clinics to city hospital since late 1970s, as China began to carry out economic reform. Sharply increased abuse of injections reaches to an alarming extent in the whole country. A survey of the use of injections was conducted in four city hospital of Anhui Province in the July of 1994.Among 4341 prescriptions of the outpatient, 64 per cent had injections,including 59% intramuscularly, 17% intravenously, 16% subcutaneously and 8% multiply to be administered for antibiotics, antipyretics, glucose , vitamines and corticosteroid. Abuse of infusion of glucose or glucose-saline has been so common that patient with cold or even people tired always asks for infusions of fluids. If a doctor, who is coservative in his/her attitute to the inappropriate medication, refuses to the patient’ request, the patient may turn to another doctor for infusion. Laymen, even doctors think that infusions of fluids may be helpful in bringing down a fever, detoxication or nourishing. The lower the educational level of the patients or parents, the stronger their preference to injections. As injection or infusion bot only a symbol of western modern medicine, buy also a mean for doctors and healers to make a profit and to please patient. In the April of 1991, a group of medical professors from the Havard Medical School visited a town hospital in Anhui Province. To their great surprise was that almost every patients, they saw in the wards, were receiving infusion.. However, their illness was in not at all serious, Ironically, an essay titled “To see doctor in the U.S.”published on the 《People Daily》, a most important official newspaper of China. The author of this essay is a visiting scholar studing at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. He complained that the American physicians refused his request to the injection of antipyretics and infusion, when he had “viral flu”with fever. This two stories reflex the culture conflict in their attitute to medications and injections between western and Chinese doctors. 2. Abuse of injections has quickly spread from rural clinics to city hospital since late 1970s, as China began to carry out economic reform. Sharply increased abuse of injections reaches to an alarming extent in the whole country. A survey of the use of injections was conducted in four city hospital of Anhui Province in the July of 1994.Among 4341 prescriptions of the outpatient, 64 per cent had injections,including 59% intramuscularly, 17% intravenously, 16% subcutaneously and 8% multiply to be administered for antibiotics, antipyretics, glucose , vitamines and corticosteroid. Abuse of infusion of glucose or glucose-saline has been so common that patient with cold or even people tired always asks for infusions of fluids. If a doctor, who is coservative in his/her attitute to the inappropriate medication, refuses to the patient’ request, the patient may turn to another doctor for infusion. Laymen, even doctors think that infusions of fluids may be helpful in bringing down a fever, detoxication or nourishing. The lower the educational level of the patients or parents, the stronger their preference to injections. As injection or infusion bot only a symbol of western modern medicine, buy also a mean for doctors and healers to make a profit and to please patient. In the April of 1991, a group of medical professors from the Havard Medical School visited a town hospital in Anhui Province. To their great surprise was that almost every patients, they saw in the wards, were receiving infusion.. However, their illness was in not at all serious, Ironically, an essay titled “To see doctor in the U.S.”published on the 《People Daily》, a most important official newspaper of China. The author of this essay is a visiting scholar studing at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. He complained that the American physicians refused his request to the injection of antipyretics and infusion, when he had “viral flu”with fever. This two stories reflex the culture conflict in their attitute to medications and injections between western and Chinese doctors.

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